GIPMEL Archives: 2024

Issue 1- March 2024

Il lavoro che cambia e la nuova tabella delle malattie professionali in Italia [The changing work environment and the new tables of occupational diseases in Italy]

Angelo SACCO

G Ital Psicol Med Lav. 2024;4(1):1-5 PDF

Radon e sorveglianza sanitaria negli ambienti di lavoro: criticità normative in Italia (D.Lgs 101/2020) e prospettive future [Radon and health surveillance in the workplace: Regulatory challenges in Italy (Legislative Decree no. 101/2020) and future perspectives]

Francesco CHIRICO, Giuseppe TAINO, Marco MICHELAZZI, Fabrizio CIPRANI, Angelo SACCO

G Ital Psicol Med Lav. 2024;4(1):6-11 PDF

Key performance indicators in occupational health and safety of hospitals: A scoping review with meta-analysis

Georgios I FARANTOS, Georgios DOUNIAS

G Ital Psicol Med Lav. 2024;4(1):12-26 PDF